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Policies, Procedures & Waiver

In order to be fair to all our valued participants and parents, no exceptions can be made to these policies: 


Non-Violent Behavior

Kids that tease, take things from other kids, use inappropriate language,  frequently disrespect/interrupt the instructor, or break things, will be asked to sit out until the end of the current activity.

Afterwards, they will be asked to think about what they did that caused them to sit out, advised that they need to make better choices and think before they speak and act in the future.  Additionally, they will be informed that if it happens a second time their parents will have to pick them up, and if it happens a third time they will not be allowed to return to our facility ever again.

The parent that picks the child up will be informed of the behavior.  If their child broke something, the parent will be asked to pay for the broken item.  

If the behavior continues for a second day, the parent will be called while their child is sitting out and asked to pick him or her up. 

If the behavior continues for a third day, the parent will be called while their child is sitting out, asked to pick him or her up, and informed that their child is not allowed to return to our facility.  NO REFUND will be issued for any subsequent time that they are signed up for.

Violent Behavior

We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for violent behavior.  If a kid hurts another kid in any way, they will be asked to sit aside and wait as we call their parent who will then be informed that their child must be picked up immediately and is not allowed to return to our facility.  NO REFUND will be issued for any subsequent time that they are signed up for.


If canceling, payment refunds (minus a non-refundable deposit, if there is one) can be made up to 5 days before the start of a event.  After that time, no refunds can be made for camps or escape room sessions.


It is the host responsibility to let their guests know when the party or any other event is over, let the person in charge at The Scholar Ship know if you need to extend the party so we can approve the additional time (sometimes we only have one hour to clean and get the place ready for the next event). If your event goes over the scheduled time you will be charge $30.00 for every 30 minutes of additional time. 


Activities and materials may vary from those advertised if we are unable to procure certain items. We reserve the right to cancel or modify such activities and materials.


It is the responsibility of the primary family member to ensure that The Scholar Ship has the most up-to-date contact and emergency information.


Included in the price of a camp is a $100 non-refundable deposit.  


If a Parent/Caregiver arrives before 8:30am or after 5:30pm, they will be assessed a fee of $10 per child.


The Scholar Ship recognizes that many children suffer from life-threatening peanut allergies. In the interest of minimizing the risk to our little customers, we ask that you please not bring peanuts, nuts or foods containing nut ingredients onto the premises.

The Scholar Ship does not have an EpiPen onsite.  We will temporarily store one for the day IF it is accompanied with specific instructions, provided by a medical professional, on when and how to administer it.


If a Parent/Caregiver drops off a child without a lunch, they will be assessed a fee of $7 for that day, per child, to compensate for the lunch that gets delivered to them, payable at end of the day.  Paid lunches are never made onsite, they are pre-arranged deliveries from local establishments. 


There are no makeups for missed events because activities are different each day.



    We reserve the right to send home any child with a fever or who otherwise appears to be infectious (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, lice, frequent coughing or sneezing).


    In the event of injury or serious illness, I give permission to The Scholar Ship staff to obtain medical treatment for my child. I understand that if my child needs to be transported to an emergency facility, that decision will be made by the emergency team responding to the call. I absolve The Scholar Ship of any responsibility for any accident or injury to my child or caused by my child to others where neglect is not involved.